
A picture of my kids, once a week for one year.
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1.Rhemidy has really grown up. She is beginning to listen a lot more and loves “cooking” meals for her family.
2. Hadiley is a handful. From teething and crying, to mischievous and climbing, to hilarious and smiling. She has us on our toes.
3. Baby #3. 16weeks, 2days. Cannot wait to find out if our family will gain another princess or our first prince. 🙂


All in a year

I cannot believe we are towards the end of February 2014. Last year honestly felt like it passed by in a blink of an eye. Today’s entry is a look back of last year. At the beginning of last year I made a list of things I wanted for 2013. Including meeting my beautiful girl Hadiley, traveling more, making more family memories, bake and cook more, and getting healthy. I am happy to say all of these things happened.
One last date night with having an only child in January.IMG_6286
Meeting sweet, baby Hadiley in February.IMG_6725
After a week in the NICU, Rhem finally getting to know her sister on Valentines Day.IMG_7611 IMG_7633
Building Rhemidy’s first snow man in February.IMG_8285
Rhemidy’s first time Easter egg hunting in March.392593_10151551167530140_2045987755_n
We celebrated Rhemidy turning 2 with a Red Riding Hood theme in March.IMG_9379
Lasagna inspired pita pocket sandwich.tn1 tn6
Hadiley’s first big trip to Nashville Tennessee for a wedding for our dear friend Boo in April.IMG_1301
We met a new, and unexpected, second cousin in April.IMG_1343 IMG_2442
I baked and decorated many cakes for baby showers and birthdays.IMG_2952_edited-1
The girls met their new beautiful cousin, Toria in May.IMG_3269b IMG_3419b
We took many family walks and jumped in every puddle.IMG_3675 IMG_3744
We visited the zoo a few times during the summer.IMG_4937
We went swimming whenever we got a chance.IMG_4899b IMG_4762
We visited friends who moved an hour away.IMG_8966
We tried out the new water park down town.IMG_9015
We took Hadiley to see her first fireworks, and Rhem enjoyed Popsicles in July. IMG_8691
We took the girls for their very first drive in movie. IMG_9208
We took many walks to a park a couple miles away. IMG_0443
We met the Duggars, a family I look up too for their love for one another and family values. IMG_2060
We made sure to get some pictures of all four of us. Although I really should print some out!IMG_1461 IMG_1478
We celebrated Hadiley’s first Halloween and Rhemidy picked out what they would be. And I made the costumes in October.
We celebrated this little Turkey’s first Thanksgiving in November. 🙂IMG_2397
We cut down our first every real Christmas tree in November.
We celebrated Hadiley’s first Christmas in December.
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And in Decemeber we found out we will be adding another arrow to our family this summer.

What an amazing year, and I am so excited for all that 2014 has in store for us!


First Birthday

Well earlier this month, my sweet little baby turned a year old. Wow time sure has flown by. We celebrated with some close friends and family, who blessed us with new clothes and books and toys. Her party theme was cupcakes and tea party. She had a wonderful time, although she was glued to mom for most of it!

A year old, and miss Hadiley can…
Walk like a champ.
Say “Mama” “Dada” “Dat?” “Daa!” (dog)
She waves goodbye.
She signs “please.”
She gives high fives.
She claps.
She dances.
She climbs up AND down the stairs.
She climbs on EVERYTHING.
She gives Mom, Dad, and Sister sloppy, mouth open, tongue out, kisses on our noses. (strange girl. lol)
She has 8 teeth.
She eats EVERYTHING and has no food allergies! (Thank you God!)
The first two months of breastfeeding were definitely hard, as has the last 3 months, seeing that I am pregnant. but we made it and I am so proud. Now I am trying to wean, due to it being painful while being pregnant, but that isn’t going so well lol We will have one day where she only nurses once, and then we will have days she wants to nurse every 2 hours :/ But we will get there! 🙂

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I’m still here!

I feel as if I haven’t updated in a year! (but really it has only been 2 months)

So much has been going on, with holidays, family in town, working on the house, and chasing around two crazy kids. Well Much exciting things to announce. So let’s get to it. 🙂

First: My sweet BABY Hadiley turned 1 this month. (yes, my BABY turned ONE!) Last year seemed to fly bye! (Although her first week of life spent in the NICU seemed to last f.o.r.e.v.e.r.)

At a year old, she walks (RUNS!) everywhere. She says Da (Dad), Mama, and Dat (asking, “What’s that?” as she points at everything). She wears 18 months clothes already and weighs 25 pounds. Her hair is now a light brown and her eyes are still a beautiful blue. She finally drinks out of a sippy, and has no allergies so far! (although she isn’t as obsessed with peanut butter as the rest of her family is…weirdo.) Her birthday also marked a YEAR or Breastfeeding! yay! I am very proud of myself for this!

In other news,
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That’s right, we will be adding another arrow to our family in August 🙂 I am 14 weeks (yesterday) so hopefully we will find out what we are having in April! (although, this time around I was actually going to allow it to be a secret, but husband says no, he NEEDS to know lol) We are very excited, as is Rhemidy. Hoping Hadiley is as excepting of a little brother/sister as Rhemi was of her! 🙂

Well that is all for today, I have 4 crazy kids that are getting hungry for lunch!
