bits and pieces.

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Life currently.
39 weeks 3 days pregnant.
Mom/Dad’s room and nursery is finished.
Bags are packed.
We got a new baby kitten named Sapphira.
Rhem is getting so big.
Hadiley has a huge personality.

We are hoping to meet baby boy this weekend. Time will tell. 🙂



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1. Rhem. My girly girl who insists on wearing a dress every. single. day. yet informs me she wants to be spiderman for Halloween and wants a little monster (what ever that means) birthday party next year. This girl is filled with surprises 🙂
2. Hadiley has decided that she needs to sit ON the table for ALL of her meals -_-
3. Baby #3. Boy.  33 weeks. 4 days. Kicking champ. My belly is continuing to grow, how that is possible, I have no idea 🙂 only 7 more weeks. I am so excited to love on this child.



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1. Rhem loves being a big sister. This Sunday we attended a new church, and for the first time Rhem and Hadiley had to be put in different nursery. I was a bit worried how both would do, but after the morning at church, followed by the picnic/lunch with the congregation, Rhem got in the car and said, “Daddy, I made new friends today!” 🙂 Does a mama’s heart good to see her girl being social and making new friends. Especially since in less than 2 months I will be done with daycare, at least for a while, so she no longer will be seeing her friends everyday that she has know her whole life thus far.

2. Hadiley seems like she might be more tom boy than Rhem. She loves to play Barbies, but her favorite is Ken. She loves to play dress up, but skips the dresses and goes straight for the batman cape. Whenever at a store the ONLY toy she wants is some kind of ball. I love the differences in their personalities, yet they are still best of friends. I pray they always are.

3. Baby #3. Boy. 32 weeks, 4 days. I feel HUGE. His favorite time to move is early in the morning and in the middle of the night. He seems to be growing great and healthy as can be. Cannot wait to meet you in less than 2 months!

**these pictures were taken on Thursday for my weekly update, buuuut I never found the time. So here it is, late. lol***”


Long weeks, short weekends.

This week and last week have been SO LONG. I have been working everyday from 7am-6pm and my poor hubs has been going to work at 6:30am, getting off at 3pm, getting a hour to find something to eat, then going to night class until 9pm. Then last weekend the hubby had Drill (army stuff) all day Saturday and from 7am-1pm on Father’s day. Friday things will finally go back to normal for a couple weeks, before he starts another night class, but thankfully that one is only 2 nights and then he’ll be done. He is suppose to leave for Annual Training (more Army stuff) at the end of July for 3 weeks, 5 hours away. Oh did I mention that that my due date falls in the middle of those 3 weeks! He is trying to get out of it, since he just got back from a 2 week training last month. Otherwise, He’ll have to go and once I am in labor I can call and they will give him a call to head back home. I am worried he won’t make it in time, seeing as my last labor was only 4 hours long and he will be 5 hours away. And I kinda need him this time lol He was awesome and active in the other 2 births (he caught both babies) but this is the first birth I plan to do all natural with no drugs, so I really want him there to help me through the contractions and what have you. I am trying not to stress about it, and trusting God that everything will work out perfectly, but as the birth gets closer (I am 32 weeks an 3 days already!) I start to really think about it, and how he might miss the birth of our first boy.

Anways, with the buisiness of our lives lately I have not had time to update the blog, or get many pictures. I keep writing on my dry erase board how many weeks I am and the size of the baby so I can do my week to week pregnancy pictures, but never get around to actually taking the picture. But I Promise, tomorrow I WILL do my picture a week of the kids, and Sunday I WILL do a pregnancy update picture. (and if I don’t… well, sorry! lol)

This past weekend, since dad was working, the girls and I decided to go out and have some fun. We tried a new donut place across the river, which the girls LOVED. And we spent the day at Nana’s house with the cousins playing in the sprinkler, in a homemade outdoor tent, playing with chalk, and digging for worms. 🙂 On Sunday (which I didn’t get any pictures. sad.) we spent the morning waiting for Daddy to get off work so we could celebrate Father’s day. We thought the latest would be noon but held out hope he would get done sooner, but FINALLY at 1 he got released. We headed out for lunch, followed by ooing and awwing over the cats, dogs, bunnies, lizard, and guinea pigs at the humane society. We then decided to look at houses. We’re wild. lol I am hoping for a fun weekend coming up, filled with a morning at the spray park, with shopping and lunch at the farmers market, then home for nap and playing outside while mom and dad work on the house some more, and ending the night with a late night movie at the park. Sunday, I think we will try a new church. We LOVE our pastor at our current church, and it is my childhood church that has been a second home to me since I was in junior high, but I think it is time we find a new church that has more young married couples with young kids for us to fellowship with.

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(Also, if you look over on my side bar —–> under my instagram I have a link to top mommy blogs, I just joined them with lots of other mom’s who blog. When ever you click on the link from my site, it puts me higher on their list of mom blogs, so feel free to click to head over to their site, and while you are there look around at all the categories to find other mom blogs that you may enjoy to read about! Thanks!)

Girls. Girls. Girls.

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This week has been filled with girls. While my sister has been subbing, I have been watching my three beautiful nieces and Rhem and Hadiley LOVE it. Rhem is glued to her big cousin, Leona’s hip. But also making sure she makes time to feed at least one bottle to baby Lana. Hadiley watches Toria and is sure to run and take anything that Tori attempts to play with, just so she can hand it back to her, as if she is giving her permission to play with her toys. You can imagine how loud my house has been these last few days haha Thankfully all the girls seem to be very happy (expect for nap time, but that is expected. Why kids hate nap, I will never understand, because I LOVE when I get a chance to nap! haha) Gosh we sure to have a lot of beautiful girls in our family 😉 And this boy is going to be smothered with love by all these females in his life (and probably will receive a lot of Sass, too!)

*Rhem was in a “DON’T TAKE MY PICTURE, MOM” type mood today. stinker.


30 weeks.

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Today Baby boy is 30 weeks. 10 more weeks!!! He is the size of a cucumber. (15.2-16.7 inches in length, 2.5-3.8 pounds)

On Friday I went and had my second glucose blood test. I am expecting it to come back negative, since I had negative result with both girls, and my first test at 22 weeks was negative with this pregnancy, but they insisted I take two, since I have big babies. My next appointment is this upcoming Friday, which will just check my blood pressure, and babies heart beat. I am so excited we are in the final 10 weeks of pregnancy. I cannot wait to meet this little guy!

This weekend I was able to find this awesome dresser/changing table for the boy (for only $20!), and got the top drawer filled with all his pocket and prefold diapers 🙂 Next I will be placing all his adorable little clothes in. 🙂

Next weekend we will be getting family pictures and maternity pictures done! I am so excited. Our last family pictures were when I was pregnant with Rhem, so it will be good to have some with both girls haha. This week is also the hubs birthday. So we have a busy, but fun, week ahead of us. 🙂



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1. Rhem woke up very happy today, knowing that after 2 weeks that seemed like months, daddy is home. And he brought her new Army pajamas.
2. Hadiley also got new pajamas, she also seems to think that brothers car seat is a toy for her…
3. Baby #3. Boy. 29 weeks. 5 days. Feeling pretty awesome, just outrageously tired all. the. time.




1.Rhem. My little bunny, constantly jumping around and off of things.
2.Hadiley loves outdoors and following her sister around. She saw Rhem was picking flowers, so she decided to pick me some, too. 🙂
3. Baby number 3. Boy. 28 weeks 4 days. THIRD TRIMESTER! Super active. I feel huge, although was happy to find a pair of short I bought before this baby still fit 🙂 although it isn’t all that comfortable.




1. Rhem is growing up. She now dresses herself almost everyday, picking out her own clothes and all. It brings me so much joy to watch her turn into a little lady, but at the same time, I miss my baby. She really is the most amazing big sister I have ever met. So nurturing and loving.
2.) My sweet Hadiley has been testing limits lately. Throwing HUGE tantrums during nap and bed time, running off every moment she gets, and just causing pure trouble. But then she shows me that sweet little smile, and lets out a little baby giggle. I am in trouble with this blue eyed beauty.
3.) Baby #3. Baby Boy. 27 Weeks. 4 days. I am almost done with the 2nd trimester! I cannot wait to meet this very energetic little ninja I have baking in my belly. I am so interested to see who he looks like! Will he have Brown eyes like mommy and Rhemi? Or Blue eyes like Hadi? Or maybe green eyes like daddy and his grandparents? Soon we shall see 🙂

Beautiful weather creates Joyfilled days

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Last week we had wonderful weather, so we spent a lot of time outside and at parks. I even was able to get Rhem’s kite out that she got for Easter, and she did an awesome job flying it by herself. This week we are due for some cooler weather and thunder storms, which has caused us to stay inside. We also are currently getting work done on the main level of our house, so I am stuck up stairs with my two kids, plus the two daycare kids. I now know what it would be like to live in a single bedroom apartment with 4 kids. AH. 🙂
